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    Fortnite: Game is being used to apply virtual scams

    Fortnite: Game is being used to apply virtual scams

    The Fortnite game is currently considered one of the most successful games, and with that, hackers are taking advantage of the moment to apply blows. According to a survey carried out by the internet threat detection company, in this case, ESET, showed that the Epic Games title has been used to apply different types of scams.

    Among them is the offer to install the game for Android devices, since it is only available for the iOS system, as well as the offer of other fake applications to obtain advantages and opportunists that offer help to the user to advance in the game, but in fact, what they want is to steal your account.

    According to ESET's explanations, among the main reasons for such malicious practices are the success of the game and also its exclusivity for iOS, where they end up finding a loophole to create and offer fake links with the promise of the title for Android. On Google Play, Fortnite will only be available after the exclusivity period with the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, that is, at the end of September.

    In most cases, the scams occur in English versions with tutorials created on the internet, which teach the user how to install the title, in which most use the description of a fake APK so that users end up clicking on links with the video thus being infected by malware.

    Example how you can get infected by downloading #Fortnite Android app from YouTube video with 130K+ views.
    This one send SMS to premium rate number and downloads another fake app.

    — Lukas Stefanko (@LukasStefanko) June 21, 2018

    On Twitter, one of ESET's technicians published a video demonstrating that the virus sends SMS and push messages to download other fake programs. The application informs on the game's login screen that it is necessary to share the YouTube video to be able to connect, however, once this is done, the program presents an error and the whole process starts again.

    PC gamers

    In relation to Fortnite players on PC, there are other malicious applications that are hacks, where users illegally try to obtain advantages in the game, such as looking for more V-bucks (in-game currencies) without having to play or pay and for other extra items. However, by carrying out this practice, the gamer ends up infecting his PC and starts to frequently receive ads and may even have his account stolen.

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    Another offer circulating on the internet about Fortnite is from malicious people who promise to help users improve their characters in order to get their access credentials. With that, later, they start to charge a ransom amount to return the account.


    It is worth noting that it is recommended that users only download programs from official or partner stores of the titles, in order to avoid third-party programs. Also, another tip is to never give your personal data to strangers, even if they have good intentions.

    The user is aware that cheating in the game is prohibited, and depending on certain practices, Epic Games may ban the player from the game for illegal actions on the platform.

    Fonte: ABC News

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