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    Samsung director is accused of tax evasion for the second time

      One of South Korea's top business leaders and former director of Samsung, Lee Kun-hee is being accused of tax evasion by the country's police, he allegedly withheld US$ 7,5 million in taxes.

      On Thursday (08) the country's authorities filed a formal indictment in which they accuse Lee Kun-hee of using bank accounts of employees and business partners to avoid charges. With that, the tycoon would have managed to move about US$ 367 million without paying taxes on this amount.

      However, this is not the first time that Lee has been accused of tax evasion, in 2009, he was convicted for the same reason, he had been using accounts belonging to trusted employees to make financial transactions and investments, thus preventing him from over this amount. taxation was levied. In the same year, he was also accused of using Samsung funds to renovate his children's homes and property.

      Samsung director is accused of tax evasion for the second time

      Lee Kun-hee

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      Police were able to identify by having access to documents related to the works carried out on Lee family properties, records of irregular movements of 260 bank accounts belonging to him, in addition to 75 other executives, most of the South Korean manufacturer itself.

      However, due to serious health problems, Lee was eventually exempt from sentencing at the time. Now, with the same story repeating itself, the tycoon is 76 years old and has been hospitalized since 2014 due to complications generated by suffering a heart attack. He is currently in stable condition, but is not expected to be discharged to return home.

      Therefore, the new tax evasions, this time, must be sent to the country's attorneys general, so that they can enact mandates, seizure of documents, interrogations, new arrests. However, due to his physical condition, the South Korean police decided to start the process in absentia, without Lee being interrogated.

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