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    Galaxy S10 may arrive with five cameras

      The Samsung Galaxy S10 should be released in about six months, even so, several rumors about the device are already circulating on the web. The latest novelty is related to the possibility of the Plus model of the smartphone to come with 5 cameras, two of which would be located on the front and three on the back.

      Rumors indicate that the addition of cameras to the rear of the Plus model is to make the device have a more open lens only for photos in ultra wide-angle mode.

      What has always been outstanding in any Samsung device is precisely the quality of its cameras. Thus, it is speculated that the triple setup will include 16 megapixels on the ultra wide-angle camera, 12 megapixels on its wide-angle and 12 megapixels on the telephoto sensor.

      Galaxy S10 may arrive with five cameras

      Galaxy 10 may arrive with five cameras.

      Samsung, it seems, is working to further improve the screen quality of its devices. Information suggests that the group would be developing an "Anti SDE AMOLED" technology, which eliminates the sensation of seeing grids or similar alpha when using the smartphone with VR glasses. The novelty will bring an even more enhanced virtual reality experience.             

      In any case, it is still not possible to say whether the solution will actually be applied to the Samsung S10 Plus, as the patent was registered on July 6 at the European Union Patent Office (EUIPO).   

      This may be the first time that the manufacturer will invest in a dual front camera in its S line. This could all mean that Samsung really intends to launch different versions of the same device, and thus reach a greater number of users.

      For now, it's all just a rumor, however, Samsung is certainly preparing something different for the next version of the S line.

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