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    Valorant: Riot Games Offers $100 to Anyone Who Finds Flaws in Vanguard Anti-Cheat System

      Valorant: Riot Games Offers $100 to Anyone Who Finds Flaws in Vanguard Anti-Cheat System

      Recently, Valorant developer Riot Games announced a challenge to hackers to put what they are capable of in practice. The challenge is to explore the new anti-cheating system designed by the studio, Vanguard. The bet was launched on the HackerOne website, where several companies offer prizes to encourage hackers to exploit a security flaw in their programs.

      Anyone who successfully achieves the goal and has reports to prove it, can be rewarded with up to US$100. Riot Games said:

      "Together with our new Valorant game, we've deployed our new Vanguard anti-cheat solution, which utilizes a kernel driver to fight cheaters more effectively. To reinforce our commitment to the safety of our players, we offer special rewards of up to US$ 100.000 for high quality reports demonstrating practical exploits leveraging the Vanguard kernel driver."

      The main purpose of the challenge is to end the security concerns of Valorant players. During the game's debut earlier this month, closed beta users noticed that the Vanguard system is more invasive than other anti-cheating solutions. This software is attached to any Valorant related download, automatically installed and runs with high privileges even when the game is not running.

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      In the announcement by Riot Games it says:

      "If you think you've found a flaw in Vanguard that would jeopardize players' security and privacy, file a report immediately and you may be eligible for a large bounty payout. Visit our HackerOne page for more details."

      The anti-cheat system, called Vanguard, was explained in detail on Reddit by the developers of Valorant. You can check through this link.

      Spain will receive the Valorant closed beta on May 5th, the date is getting closer and closer.

      The wait will soon be over: if the COVID-19 contingency allows, we will have the VALORANT Closed Beta in Spain on May 5th!

      Learn more details in our official group:

      - VALORANT (@VALORANTEspanha) April 9, 2020

      What did you think of Riot Games' initiative for Valorant? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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