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    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? See how to use the new function

    Table of Contents
    1. WhatsApp on up to 4 devices: how does it work?
    2. Connecting your account on WhatsApp Desktop
    3. You can connect your WhatsApp account on up to 4 devices, but only on one mobile
    4. Telegram also allows connection to multiple devices
      1. See also other features

    In July of this year, we reported here on Techlifers that the functionality of using the same account WhatsApp on up to 4 devices was being tested with some users. But now, all people who use the green messenger can already make use of this functionality, which is available for both WhatsApp Desktop as for the version that works in the browser.

    With the aim of helping you not to depend on the connection between your cell phone and your computer, we have gathered all the tips so that you can use the same WhatsApp on up to 4 different devices. The novelty can be used by users of iOS (iPhone) e Android, then learn how to have one WhatsApp on multiple devices right now.

    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices: how does it work?

    Still in its test version, it is being released to practically all users the possibility of using the same WhatsApp on up to 4 devices, without the need for the phone to be connected to the internet. In practice, the WhatsApp Desktop (the same goes for the Web WhatsApp) now stops being a mirror of your smartphone and starts to work independently.

    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? See how to use the new function
    Functionality is released to virtually all users.
    Source: FreePik

    In the official communiqué on the launch of the WhatsApp on multiple devices, the application pointed out that up to 4 devices can have the same account connected, however only one of these devices can be a smartphone — the one on which the account was initially set up. This means that, for now, the functionality only works on computers. It was not possible to connect to tablets so far, but this should be released when the functionality leaves the trial version.

    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? See how to use the new function
    It is necessary to join a testing program to use WhatsApp on up to 4 devices.
    Fonte: Techlifers

    It was also mentioned that if you do not use the cell phone that works as the “data center” of your account for more than 14 consecutive days, all other devices will be disconnected. There are features that so far are not available for those who want to connect the same account on up to 4 devices. Are they:

    • Delete conversations on secondary devices if your account is connected to a iPhone;
    • Calls between accounts that are not in Beta WhatsApp in up to 4 devices;
    • Start a broadcast list;
    • Sending messages with link previews from Web WhatsApp;
    • Call someone who has a very old version of WhatsApp;
    • Real-time location visualization on secondary devices.

    To be able to use your WhatsApp on up to 4 devices, all you need to do is have the latest version of the app installed on your phone, as you will need to agree to participate in the trial programs. Let's talk about it right now.

    Connecting your account on WhatsApp Desktop

    Before proceeding to make the connection with other devices, you must necessarily enter the test program of this new function. At the Android, just follow these four steps:

    1. Click on “More Options” (the three dots in the upper right corner);
    2. Then, press the “Connected Devices” option;
    3. Afterwards, click on Beta for multiple devices;
    4. Then, click Participate in the BETA.
    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? See how to use the new function
    Connection process can be done in less than five minutes.
    Fonte: Techlifers

    Already talking to who uses iPhone, follow this path:

    1. Open WhatsApp Settings on your iPhone;
    2. Search for “Connected Devices”;
    3. Click on “Multi-Device Beta“;
    4. Just start participating in the BETA.

    With this, all devices that are connected with your account (both in WhatsApp Desktop, and in the browser version) will be disconnected, so that the new connection becomes independent. A “BETA” will appear next to your profile picture, indicating that you are using the trial version. Look:

    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? See how to use the new function
    As it is still in testing, an ID appears next to your profile picture.
    Fonte: Techlifers

    You will need to make the connection again, where you will need to scan the QR code that appears on the screen. At this point, authentication will take place, which can be by fingerprint reading or facial recognition.

    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? See how to use the new function
    Once you join the BETA program, you will need to reconnect.
    Fonte: Techlifers

    Now, you just need to wait for all messages to be downloaded on the machine you connected. It can take around five minutes for everything to complete, depending on how many conversations you have saved on your phone.

    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? See how to use the new function
    With the connection made, you just have to wait for everything to be downloaded and organized.
    Fonte: Techlifers

    Photos and text and audio messages will be downloaded so you can view and listen without needing your smartphone to be connected.

    You can connect your WhatsApp account on up to 4 devices, but only on one mobile

    In order to avoid the application of blows, the WhatsApp took the opportunity to warn that yes, up to four devices can use the same account, but this applies to only one cell phone. One of the most famous scams in Spain is the cloning of WhatsApp, where malicious people end up requesting money from family and friends posing as the real owner of the account. In this way, this problem can be avoided.

    In addition, all synchronization functionality of WhatsApp in up to 4 devices it is only done with security authentication (through biometrics) so that there are no problems. If you connect your WhatsApp account to someone else's computer, be aware that you are taking the risk of someone accessing your data and impersonating you. So, it is more worthwhile to use the functionality of WhatsApp on multiple devices with just your own devices.

    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? See how to use the new function
    Be careful when connecting your WhatsApp on up to 4 devices.
    Source: FreePik

    Another tip about this novelty of WhatsApp on up to 4 devices is to avoid connecting to public devices, such as lan houses or even a computer that you don't use in your daily life. Once you perform the synchronization, the machine becomes independent and all messages will appear without needing to connect to your cell phone.

    To remove all devices that might be mirroring your messages, you just need to go to WhatsApp Settings>Connected Devices>Find all devices connected with your account, and then click on the one you want to disconnect and then click on “Disconnect".

    Telegram also allows connection to multiple devices

    Although the WhatsApp release this feature recently, whoever uses the Telegram is already using the same account on several devices since 2018. Also released for those who have Android e iOS, use is allowed on smartphones, web version, tablets and cell phones. Even the version of Telegram is more optimized than WhatsApp's, having been released over three years ago.

    WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? See how to use the new function
    In 2018, Telegram has already released multi-device login for its users.
    Source: Telegram

    We need to mention that as the rival of WhatsApp stores all your account data on a dedicated server, the operation of the Telegram it's even more fluid and there's no need to download the latest messages every time your computer restarts. But as the possibility of connecting the same account of the WhatsApp on up to 4 devices has been released for everyone in the last few days, this should be improved over time.

    You are already using your account WhatsApp on up to 4 devices? Share your experience in the comments!

    See also other features

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    Sources: WhatsApp, MacRumors and Telegram

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