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    WhatsApp Status and Instagram Stories have almost twice as many active Snapchat users

      As we well know, temporary photos, that is, with a duration of time on the air, became popular with Snapchat. Over time, other social networks have joined the feature and, apparently, it was very well accepted by its users.

      Taking into account the fact, the fantasminha app is constantly needing to innovate, so much so that it is launching new features that make the app safer and has even opened a studio for the production of series for the platform.

      WhatsApp Status and Instagram Stories have almost twice as many active Snapchat users

      WhatsApp Status and Instagram Stories have almost twice as many active Snapchat users.

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      Even so, the networks owned by Facebook continue to lead in terms of the number of users in their "stories". Through an official statement by Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that WhatsApp Status and Instagram Stories have surpassed the 300 million mark of daily active users.

      The number in question represents an increase of 50 million compared to the month of June, which had 250 million. Snpachat, in turn, has only 173 million active users, with a growth of 7 million in the same period.

      "It's important to remember that Facebook is about bringing people closer and helping with meaningful social interaction. It's not just about people passively consuming content. Research shows that interacting with friends and family on social media tends to be more meaningful and can be good for us, as well as time well spent. But if we passively consume content, that might not be so true," said Zuckerberg.

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