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    How to share photo on Instagram Stories and WhatsApp Status at the same time

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    1. Step 1: Select the photo on Instagram
    2. Step 2: Put your photo as status on WhatsApp
    3. Step 3: Submit!

    Instagram has just won a button that allows integration with WhatsApp and in a few seconds you will be able to share the same photo/video/boomerang you just posted on Instagram, but in the function Status of the messaging app.

    As is already possible with the Facebook, through the Stories function, the Instagram now allows you to share content quickly and conveniently on WhatsApp without much complication. Learn how to do it now in this quick tutorial.

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    Step 1: Select the photo on Instagram

    After making the photo/video/boomerang that will be posted first on your Stories, press the “Send to” button in the lower right corner and a new window will pop up. On this screen you have the option to choose where you want to send the photo/video/boomerang you chose.

    After placing your photo on your Stories, you can choose to upload the photo to your story on Facebook, and now also the WhatsApp. For this, just click on the message app icon to be redirected.

    How to share photo on Instagram Stories and WhatsApp Status at the same time

    Step 2: Put your photo as status on WhatsApp

    You can share your photo, video or boomerang on your Status, as well as being able to send it to your contacts and personal groups. After selecting where you want to send, just press a simple button in the lower right corner and the upload will be done right away. Check out the image below:

    How to share photo on Instagram Stories and WhatsApp Status at the same time

    Step 3: Submit!

    After editing the content to be sent, putting captions, emojis and whatever else you want, you will be automatically redirected back to the Instagram, being able to follow the upload progress through your mobile notifications bar.

    Once everything is done, you can view the same content on both social networks. At the WhatsApp, the media sent accompanies the logo of the Instagram, just to signal that content was first posted on Stories.

    How to share photo on Instagram Stories and WhatsApp Status at the same time
    Sharing speed between WhatsApp and Instagram depends on the internet

    It is worth remembering that this is a function that is still in the testing phase. So, if these options are not yet available on your phone, don't worry. It's just a matter of time for the Instagram make available to everyone.

    This tutorial was produced with version 2.17.442 of WhatsApp and version number of the Instagram for Android. The possibility to share the photo of the Stories is in final testing, and should be available to all users soon.

    The novelty is of extreme help not only for basic users, but also for people who work in the management of social networks, facilitating a quick sharing of content in several channels, at the same time, did you like the novelty?

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