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    Microsoft Adds High Performance Mode to Windows 10

      There's nothing more irritating than you being working on your PC, needing to run several programs simultaneously and it starts choking with the required hardware needs. Since the programs get heavier with each new update, the solution would be to increase your machine (and spend money) or do everything little by little (and spend time).

      Microsoft knows that you don't want to waste time, let alone spend money, so they came up with a measure that promises to give your Windows 10-equipped computer a boost. Ultimate Performance.

      But of course there is a "little blow" to all of this. The new feature will only be available to you if your machine is running the Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. As the name implies, this mode is for those people who demand a lot of processing on workstations, servers, and other high-performance corporate scenarios. With this new trick Windows disables power management and starts to look for and eliminate micro-latencies and then increases raw speed. You will be able to configure it yourself, but manufacturers will have the option to ship systems with the feature enabled.

      Microsoft Adds High Performance Mode to Windows 10

      Ultimate Performance isn't currently available for laptops or tablets, but Microsoft suggests that could change.

      As stated earlier, the new feature is part of a new developer update and also brings a number of other improvements and fixes. But don't go thinking that MS has forgotten you that you are just a regular user of their operating system, as there are also several additions for people who use PCs daily for leisure and basic tasks. One of them is the redesign of some emojis to make them more understandable, as Samsung did recently. 

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