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    Windows 10 becomes more popular than Windows 7

      Microsoft ended the year 2018 being the most valuable in the world, and still achieved an important milestone for Windows. Now the company's latest operating system, Windows 10 is the world's most popular desktop, beating Windows 7, Net Applications revealed.

      Windows 10 had 39,22% of the desktop system market share as of December 2018, compared to 36,9% for Windows 7, which has always been very popular since it was released 10 years ago.

      Windows 10 becomes more popular than Windows 7

      Windows 10 becomes more popular than Windows 7.

      Microsoft's expectation was that Windows 10 could run on a billion devices within three years of its release, but the company ended up extending the schedule. Currently, Windows 10 is running on over 700 million devices, including PCs, tablets, phones, and even the Xbox One.

      Windows 7 has held steady in recent years, even with Microsoft's efforts to get PC users to upgrade for free and even a campaign to get older PC users to adopt the new version.

      Windows 10, the milestone is quite important and comes a year before Microsoft ends extended support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020.                         

      In any case, Microsoft will still need to convince companies to switch to Windows 10. It is worth mentioning that the company faced a great challenge to transfer companies with Windows XP to change to Windows 7.                                                                                                                                 

      Source: The Verge 

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