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    Instagram is working on vertical view of stories

    It was recently confirmed that Instagram is developing a new way of viewing stories. The information was through the TechCrunch website that was able to confirm with the social network intends to change the view of short-term posts to vertical mode. Currently, when moving from one story to another, the person taps the screen or swipes their finger horizontally. But now that stories are no longer in vogue, Instagram has decided to copy the TikTok app.

    Despite looking like just a copy of TikTok, changing the way to view Instagram stories to a vertical model seems to follow a more natural way of performing touches and movements on a smartphone screen. In fact, this is how browsers display web pages and it has always been an easier way to visualize the information that is there.

    Instagram may prioritize video posts in Stories

    With the story format being changed to a vertical interface, Instagram would likely prioritize video posts to try to compete with TikTok. Currently, the social network has already changed its algorithms to prioritize Reels.

    How the existence of "vertical stories" was discovered

    The functionality of the "vertical stories" was revealed to the public by Alessandro Paluzzi, who shared his discovery on Twitter, as you can see below:

    #Instagram is working on Vertical Stories ????
    Swipe up and down to browse stories.

    — Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) February 2, 2021

    Instagram is working on vertical view of stories

    Image displaying message about vertical stories. Source: Alessandro Paluzzi (Twitter)
    Instagram is taking away the ability to share in stories for some

    According to Alessandro, the functionality has not yet been released. His discovery was due to Instagram code analysis. Soon after, TechCrunch was able to confirm with an Instagram spokesperson the information:

    "This is an early prototype and is not being tested on Instagram."

    What did you think of the news? Do you believe that you will have a good acceptance by the public of the social network? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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