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    Instagram leaves user passwords exposed in data download tool

      Some Instagram users have received notifications warning that their password may have been exposed following a security bug, The Information said. According to a company spokesperson, the issue was "discovered internally and affected a very small number of people".

      The bug in question was linked to a feature the company launched in April that allows users to download all of their data, which was rolled out after European lawmakers released the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Instagram explains that some users who used this feature had their passwords included in a URL in their web browser and that the passwords were stored on the servers of Facebook, which controls Instagram.

      Instagram leaves user passwords exposed in data download tool

      Instagram leaves user passwords exposed in data download tool.

      Instagram said it fixed the feature so that passwords are not exposed, and even advised users to change their passwords. An Instagram spokesperson, in a statement to The Verge, says that "if someone submitted their login information to use Instagram's 'Download Your Data' tool, they could see the password information in the page URL. information hasn't been exposed to anyone, and we've made changes, so that doesn't happen anymore." 

      It is worth remembering that Facebook has faced several problems regarding the privacy of its users in recent times, which has even led to the leakage of thousands of data.                                                                                            

      Fonte: The Verge  The Information 

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