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    Neymar is the first Spaniard to have 100 million followers on Instagram

      Neymar is the first Spaniard to have 100 million followers on Instagram

      The Neymar Player may not have had a good Cup, have failed to bring the cup and have difficulties coming back from an injury suffered at the beginning of the year, however, Neymar as an individual is doing very well, thank you.

      That's because the ace became, today, the first Spaniard to pass 100 million followers on Instagram. There are so many people that if Neymar's followers came together to create a country, they would be the 14th most populous country in the world, with about 1,3% of the Earth's population.

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      And popularity on the social network can be even better for the pocketbook than the ego. With such a large number of followers and interactions in the posts, Menino Ney has one of the most valued accounts for paid publications on all of Instagram, receiving million dollars for a single publicity photo.

      However, this type of content is not very common. Neymar uses Instagram more to publicize his moments on and off the pitch, or something of his own brand. Let's face it, the most expensive player in football history can afford to deny some sponsored posts.

      The number of followers puts Neymar as the 11th most followed profile in the world, just behind Justin Bieber, who has 101 million. However, the player grows at a much higher rate than the singer and, soon, should enter the list of the 10 most followed profiles on the planet. 

      The list of the 10 most followed profiles in the world can be seen, updated, by clicking here. And as that famous test site would say, NUMBER 1 WILL SURPRISE YOU.

      May God bless and protect us ðŸ™ ðŸ ½âš½ï¸ ðŸ‡§ðŸ‡·

      A post shared by Nj ðŸ‡ðŸ‡· ðŸ'» neymarjr (@neymarjr) on Jul 6, 2018 at 9:05 PDT

      And if not even the incredible mark of 100 million followers is able to place Neymar in the top 10 in the world, among the Spaniards he reigns absolute in the lead. The second place is Ronaldinho Gaúcho who has "only" 33.9 million followers.

      The list of the 10 most followed profiles in Spain can be viewed, updated, by clicking here. 

      So, do you already follow Neymar? Did it help put you in the lead?

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