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    Galaxy SIII: test if your device is at risk of suffering “Sudden Death”

      Galaxy SIII: test if your device is at risk of suffering “Sudden Death”

      Users who bought or are still thinking about buying the smartphone Galaxy S III da Samsung are faced with a problem: how to know if the model will not suffer the well-known Sudden Death?

      For those who don't know, this is the name given to the problem that affects the SIII (model GT-i9300) around the world. Not yet explained by the company, it is a fact that many devices stop working when they approach the 6th month of use, to the despair of their owners.

      For those who already have a defective model, the recommended solution is still the same: forward the S3 to the nearest authorized service center. If the problem occurs after the expiration of the warranty, owners of the device still have the right to receive the repair free of charge. The Consumer Defense Code (Art. 26, § 3°) protects in these cases, as they are hidden vice. Look:

      “Art. 26. The right to complain about apparent defects or those that are easy to verify expires in:

      […] § 3 In the case of a hidden defect, the statute of limitations begins at the moment the defect becomes evident.”

      For those who still have the device working normally, there is an application on Google Play that can help find out if he might suffer Sudden Death: the eMMC Brickbug Check. According to the developer, the application can check if the reason why the problem occurs (a probable memory error) is present in the purchased model.

      To try and do the download for free from the app, visit the eMMC Brickbug Check page.

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