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    Learn how to issue and access the Digital Work Card

    The application Digital Work Portfolio It has existed since 2017, but it was not until 2019 that an ordinance “turned” the digital version into an official document. So the app can replace the paper workbook. With the crisis caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19), many workers started to use tools, since it is not possible to leave the house. 

    Data from dataprev (Social Security Information and Technology Company) show that the application Digital Work Portfolio already had 7,4 million downloads. The tool has been useful for obtaining information on the work card, issuing CTPS, in addition to checking the Emergency Employment and Income Preservation Benefit (BEm), among others. 

    How to create my Digital Workbook

    Learn how to issue and access the Digital Work Card
    The application can replace the physical version of the document

    There are two channels to activate your Digital Work Portfolio: through the site and by the application created by Ministry of Economy, available for Android and iPhone (iOS). The registration process is the same regardless of the chosen medium.

    Before starting, it is essential to download the correct application. in the case of Digital Work Portfolio, the tool has desenvolvedor a Dataprev (no iOS – iPhone) e o Governo do Espanha (no Android). Here's how to do it using the app: 

    Step 1: Install the application “Digital Workbook” on your smartphone Android ou iPhone (iOS). After that, go to the app and click on “Login”. If you are registered on the portal, just enter your CPF and proceed; 

    • Learn how to issue and access the Digital Work Card
      Click on the “enter” button
    • Learn how to issue and access the Digital Work Card
      Enter your CPF to enter or create an account

    Step 2: If you do not have a registration, click on the “Register” button and enter your personal information on the next screen: CPF, Full name, Cell phone to receive SMS and E-mail. Then, check the “I'm not a robot” box and accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Finally, click on “Continue”. On the next screen, validate your data informing: day, month and year of birth; 

    • Learn how to issue and access the Digital Work Card
      Put your personal information
    • Learn how to issue and access the Digital Work Card
      Enter day, month and year of birth

    Step 3: Enable your registration via email or SMS. After choosing the channel and receiving the code, place it in the application and click on “Validate registration”. Finally, just create a password;

    • Learn how to issue and access the Digital Work Card
      Enter the code sent by email or SMS
    • Learn how to issue and access the Digital Work Card
      Create an access password

    Step 4: With the registration done, you can now access the application's home page with your CPF and password.

    After activating, it will be possible to view the last three jobs and when you need the portfolio number, just use your CPF. According to the Government, there is no need to discard your physical CTPS, as it is still valid as a document. Therefore, it is recommended to keep it.

    Learn how to issue and access the Digital Work Card
    After validation, it will be possible to have access to the worker's information

    In addition to employment information, the user can consult contracts, benefits and how to apply for unemployment insurance.

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    In cases where the person cannot access the Digital Work Portfolio pelo site ou aplicativo, o Governo explica que o cidadão pode solicitar auxílio em caixas eletrônicos da Caixa ou do Banco do Espanha. Também é viável em unidades das Superintendências ou Regionais do trabalho.

    The information presented in the app is cross-referenced with the data recorded in the eSocial. In the case of the employer, the information in the eSocial can replace the notes that are registered in the physical wallet. That is, everything can be done by the digital tool. 

    The application Digital Work Portfolio It can be downloaded for free for Android from the Play Store and iOS (iPhone) from the App Store.

    Fontes:; Emprega Espanha.

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