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    Google Photos: learn how to delete all images from the service

    It has become very common for users of Android, and Google services in general, to use the Google Photos to store pictures taken with the smartphone. On cell phones, the service automatically saves all images. However, not everyone likes the limited functionality that the service offers. That's why we put together a tutorial to teach you how to remove all photos from your digital collection in a simple and fast way.

    Deleting the entire Google Photos collection

    If you no longer want to keep your photos in the backup of Google Photos, you will need to follow the steps below to delete your entire photographic collection from the service: 1) Make sure you have a digital copy of your photos on your computer. This instruction seems obvious, but as the saying goes “prevention is better than cure”. So make sure that copies of your photos are saved in a safe place on your machine or external hard drive. 2) Open the web version of Google Photos and click the “Photos” icon on the right side.
    Google Photos: learn how to delete all images from the service
    Click on the Google Photos “Photos” icon
    3) The photographs will be organized by day, month and year. Click the icon next to the date to select all photos taken in a specific period.
    Google Photos: learn how to delete all images from the service
    Select the photos by date.
    4) During testing, Google Photos allowed you to select up to 1.000 photographs before the service notifying you that it was unable to delete more photos or notifying you that the maximum number of items selected to be deleted is 1.500. To delete the images, just click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner.
    Google Photos: learn how to delete all images from the service
    Click on the “Trash” icon to delete the images.
    5) Once all the photographs are deleted, you still need to go to the “Trash” to permanently delete them.
    Google Photos: learn how to delete all images from the service
    To permanently delete, go to the Recycle Bin and empty it.
    Depending on how many photos you have in the service, the process may take longer, but you can apply the same instructions if your photos are organized by albums, making the procedure faster and more practical. Also, the amount of images that Google Photos allows you to select to be deleted may vary.
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